Kayaking is an amazing sport, exhilarating and challenging, the ultimate search for your flow! Dartmoor kayaking is some of the finest in the country, the famous river Dart offers sections to suit everyone and our experienced coaches know how to get the best out of you and the river!
We focus on white water kayaking, and can take you on your journey from complete novice to stylish master!

Beginners white water trip
Adrenaline and adventure! This trip is the perfect beginnings for a potential life long obsession with white water. Or just a taster, either way kayaking on white water is worth doing at least once!
This trip will see you face a river section with grade 1/2 rapids, along the way you will learn the necessary skills to navigate this dynamic environment.
Bespoke coaching
Not your first time? If you’ve caught the bug and are looking for some coaching to help you improve, then this is the place for you!
We will ask you a bunch of questions to help us identify your experience and aims, then once on the river we will assess your paddling to enable us to meet your needs.
Paddle UK / British Canoeing Awards
We can also provide a range of Paddle UK (formerly British Canoeing) courses and awards.
A new web-page for these is coming soon, in the mean time contact us to find out more.
Learn to roll
Learn to roll your kayak in a nice warm pool! We have taught loads of people a safe and reliable roll. We can help you whether you’re starting from scratch or need to work on an unreliable roll.
We can work in the pool or in a section of river. Learning in a pool is a great way to work on rolling; it’s a warm and safe environment that allows a lot of practice and fast development. To really cement the skill and build a reliable roll, practice (and sometimes coaching) in a river is required too. We can support you whatever your needs!